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Air Force JROTC Students Conduct Flag Raising Ceremony

Below is a press release from Branson Schools.

Students from Branson High School's Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) conducted a flag raising ceremony at the Veteran Rise and Shine Service organized by Branson Bank on the morning of Wednesday, September 22. The commemoration honored several area Veterans for their service and sacrifice to our country and community. As the bank’s large, garrison-sized flag was raised in their honor, the community was able to witness the recognition of local Veterans: Tom Center, John Manning, Kenneth Ranger, John Harrison, Robert McMorris, and Bryan Cizek.

The mission of the Air Force JROTC is to, “Develop Citizens of Character Dedicated to Service to our Nation and Community.” The Honor Guard cadets participating in the first Veteran Rise and Shine Service held by Branson Bank, exemplifies this mission. The Air Force JROTC is under the command of Master Sergeant Quezon Atwood and Lieutenant Colonel Cris Brayman. “The Branson community is awesome when it comes to recognizing our veterans and Branson Bank really does an outstanding job in carrying that out. We always appreciate the opportunity to recognize and honor our true community heroes,” says Master Sergeant Atwood.

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