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First Reading Approved for Ordinance Regulating Data Centers

In a special meeting Thursday night, the Branson Board of Aldermen approves the first reading of an ordinance to regulate Data Centers.

The meeting followed a Branson Planning Commission Meeting earlier in the week which put forth proposed revisions of regulations including the definition of Data Centers which added language to include Bitcoin Mining and Crypto Processing and other proposals to regulate sound and to set aside the areas such a business would be allowed to exist. It also defined the type of building that would be required for the use. 

Thursday's meeting, which last over two hours, feature many comments from the public as well as city officials on the development of the ordinance which was eventually passed by the Aldermen on a 6-0 vote.

The second and final reading of the ordinance will occur at the first regular Board of Aldermen for the month on August 13th.

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