The Taney County Sheriff's Office is joining forces with the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) to guard against drunk driving, according to a post on the sheriff's office Facebook Page.
The full post is available below:
This Holiday season, the U.S Department of transportation National highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) is partnering with the Taney County Sheriff's Office to share the message about the dangers of drunk driving. NHTSA and Taney County want all drivers to remember this lifesaving message. (Drive sober or get pulled over).
Between the dates of November 22rd, 2023 and January 1st, 2024, The Taney county Sheriff's office will be working to take drunk drivers off the roadways. These expanded efforts to protect against impaired driving will be conducted in a fair and equitable way.
According to the NHTSA, 13,384 people were killed in drunk driving crashes in 2021, this represented 31% of all traffic fatalities in the United States for the year, and a 14% increase from 2020.
This is why the Taney County Sheriff's Office is working with the NHTSA to remind drivers that drunk driving is not only illegal, its a matter of life and death. As you head out for the holiday festivities, remember: Drive sober or get pulled over.
Thank you for staying safe and having someone drive if you feel to impaired to drive yourself over this Holiday season.
The above was originally posted on the Taney County Sheriff's Office Facebook Page.