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Moratorium endangers multi-million dollar Branson tech development project

A new data center planned for an industrial park in north Branson is endangered after an action by the Branson Board of Aldermen to put an administrative delay on projects related to data centers and cryptocurrency facilities.

During a special meeting on June 4, 2024, the board voted in favor of a request from city staff to delay for 100 days any applications or permits related to data centers and cryptocurrency mining centers. The move comes on the heels of Wildforge Development Group submitting an application to the city for a data center to be located in the Branson Commerce Park, near the intersection of Highway 248 and Buena Vista Rd. in north Branson.

The project, which Wildforge spokesperson Alan Mauk told Branson Tri-Lakes News the project has been worked on for the last two years, would have brought at least a dozen jobs paying into six figures to the area for local employees. He says the company is now going to be forced to consider other towns for their project.

The full article is available at

(Story by Jason Wert,

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