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Residents Respond to Branson Report-a-Road Feature

The City of Branson has received dozens of submissions through its new Report-A-Road feature since its March 2021 rollout and has been able to successfully fix and address many issues to keep Branson streets clean and safe.

Since its rollout, the Report-A-Road feature has generated 150 submissions, 105 of which are city-maintained roads. One of the features of this new tool is the technological ability to automatically send submissions that aren’t city-maintained roads onto the specific city, county, or state organization responsible for that specific street.

Of those 105 city-maintained roads that had reported concerns, 61 were pothole issues and 42 were reporting litter.

The City of Branson’s Public Works/Engineering Department has received positive feedback about this new tool from community members who appreciate the follow-up, the way it helps prioritize street issues and the effective communication between the City and the community.

“Thank you! You fixed the one I sent in and it made a world of difference! Love you Branson!” said Shelly E. on the City’s Nextdoor account.

The City is appreciative of all submissions and encourages community members to continue using this tool. Oftentimes, they see street issues before city staff. This tool allows the city to be notified of issues that it would not otherwise be aware of.

Community members are encouraged to visit the City’s website at and click on “Branson Report-A-Road” to fill out the form anytime they see a street concern or trash issue. This can be anything from an animal in the street to a crumbling sidewalk. Once the form is filled out, it will then be sent to the City of Branson Department responsible for the issue, logged, prioritized and fixed as soon as possible.

(Press Release from City of Branson)

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