A program designed to help a child's early years reaches a milestone.
The Women, Infants, and Children Program, known as WIC, began in 1974 in Kentucky and has expanded across the country, including 115 in Missouri. According to the USDA, nearly half of the infants in the U.S. are served by a WIC Program.
Tammy Drake, who helps coordinate the WIC Program for the Taney County Health Department, says during a recent interview on the " At Your Service" Podcast that the program has existed in Taney County since 1993. Drake says WIC services are currently available at the Health Department offices in Branson and Forsyth as well as at Jordan Valley Clinic in Hollister and their new mobile unit that makes stops at the White River Mountain Apartments in Hollister, at the Penleigh in Branson, and at Bridge of Faith Church in Rockaway Beach.
The full podcast is available on the Branson Podcast Network.